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Your Guide to Choosing the Perfect Eyewear

Many people with medical eye diseases don’t show symptoms immediately, but with an underlying disease, the damage is already underway. Regular comprehensive eye exams are essential in diagnosing eye diseases early. Comprehensive Eye Exams Diagnose Medical Eye Disease By not getting a comprehensive eye exam on a regular basis, you’re putting your eyes at risk […]

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What is the Right Age for Contact Lenses?

Children today are developing myopia sooner than in the past. Myopia, or nearsightedness, results in prescription glasses or contact lenses. Many parents might prefer the traditional frame over having their child wear contact lenses. But, the same question crosses through a lot of minds: contact lenses for children – what is the right age? The […]

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FAQ: Computer Vision Syndrome

What is computer vision syndrome? Computer vision syndrome, or CVS, is the discomfort or symptoms caused by focusing on a computer or technological device for a long and uninterrupted time. Common symptoms include: Headaches Loss of Focus Burning Eyes Tired eyes Red Eyes Double Vision Eye Twitching Blurred Vision Neck and Shoulder Pain Commonly Asked […]

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Are You Overexposed to Blue Light?

Blue light is the type of light with the shortest wavelength and highest energy. It’s everywhere! Although many people associate blue light with technology, the sun is the primary source of these rays. Many human-made devices also emit blue light, and in recent years, the time individuals are spending on these devices has increased dramatically. […]

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  • 75 Boston Post Rd.
  • Wayland, MA 01778

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